Skell Merminod

Minute Land Legit: Is It Dirt And cheapa scam land?

The fastest-growing land market in America

We're opening up the possibility of land ownership to everyone. It's the least expensive option to start living off the grid, with plots starting at just $99 a month.

How can dirt cheap land become a reality?

Minutes provide for a different type of ownership. Own land via a contract as opposed to a deed.

Your land belongs to you.

Your agreement is perpetual and cannot be revoked or terminated. You can continue to own ownership even if Minute doesn't exist in the distant future.

A smaller expense

Avoid county costs, waiting periods, document fees, and more. Additionally, you won't have to pay for a complete plot and will obtain the perfect quantity of room.

same usage rights

Utilize the area to the fullest extent permitted by county zoning. Build, invest, explore, and camp.

There are no hazards.

No due diligence is necessary. You shouldn't be concerned about liens, easements, unreported delinquent taxes, or any other potential undisclosed dangers associated with purchasing a title.

About the company

In terms of growth pace, Minute, which made its debut in January 2023, has already overtaken other land markets in the nation. It was influenced by our wonderful time living in the Nevada desert on unspoiled acreage.


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